If you are like most people at some point in your life you have decided you were going to get into better shape. You probably convinced yourself this was the time you were going to stick with it and change your life. You may have even bought some expensive home fitness equipment you were positive was going to be utilized. Then at some point you were back to your old ways and the equipment was packed away in storage somewhere or collecting dust in your "fitness" room. So what went wrong? There was likely more than one contributing factor but below are 5 common pitfalls that often derail even the best home fitness routine intentions and some tips on how to avoid them.
Not Enough Time: Many of us feel as if we are stretched to the limit as it is with our jobs, kids, etc. This is probably the biggest reason for not beginning a fitness routine. However, a key first step is deciding to go with a Home Fitness Routine. You will save travel time to and from the gym right off the bat.
Once you have started your home routine you may feel like you do not have time to keep it up. A key point is to carefully think about the times you will have to workout and plan your workout accordingly. If you are a night owl, it probably does not make sense to decide you are suddenly going to begin getting up at 5am to workout (although this has worked for some people if they stick to it long enough). Also, if you have children involved in activities it wise to plan out your workouts weeks in advance taking into consideration their activities and when you will have time. Be FLEXIBLE! Times may vary from week to week. Also bring your spouse or babysitter to the table when setting your schedule so that you are sure you are covered if kids are an issue.
I Don't Have the Money to Buy the Equipment I Need: A lot people think it is expensive to begin a home workout routine. However, if you start small and use the right equipment you can accumulate enough equipment to have a full fledged home routine for less than one year's worth of gym membership fees.
Resistance Bands, Jump Ropes, Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Medicine & Stability Balls, Aerobic Steppers and Ab Rollers are just a few examples of fitness equipment that can each be purchased for around $50 or less.
Not Having a Plan: This is key and often leads to the "I don't have enough time" pitfall. Once you have worked out a time schedule of when you will do your workouts, think about what you want to accomplish and what equipment you will need to do so. You can start small, say a 20 minute jump rope exercise 3 or 4 times a week and build from there.
Not Setting Realistic Goals: Being realistic is key to not getting discouraged. You will want to think about what your ultimate goal is, whether to lose a certain amount of weight, adding weight and strength, or building up stamina and set incremental goals.
Keeping a journal of your progress is a great way to track your results and stay on track. Having to write down your workouts will give you a sense of accountability.
Losing Interest or Getting Discouraged: To avoid losing interest you will want to change up your routine from time to time. Some people need to do different activities daily while others may be o.k. with just a few changes a year. The reality is, if you do not spice it up a bit you will more than likely lose interest at some point. Research different programs and pick a few that interest you and mix up your routine from time to time.
Another great way to stay motivated is to involve a workout partner. Whether it is a spouse, significant other or friend, you can schedule workouts together or just set goals together and share experiences or workout tips to keep it fun!
If you carefully consider the above factors you will be well on your way to establishing a home fitness routine AND sticking with it. Whether you decide to go with Kettlebells, Medicine Balls or any of the other equipment mentioned above, setting a plan with realistic goals will be the determining factor. If you do get off track don't give up! Just use the list above, see where you went astray and get back into it. Enjoy and Good Luck!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacob_M_King
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